Sore Throat: What you Need to Know

A sore throat might sound like a standard ailment, but it accounts for more than 13 million visits to healthcare facilities each year. A sore throat is unbearable scratchiness or irritation of the throat that worsens while swallowing.

In general, sore throats are categorized into three types, based on the part of the organ it is affecting:

  • Tonsillitis- It is the swelling and redness of the soft tissue at the back of the mouth
  • Pharyngitis. It affects the part right behind the mouth
  • Laryngitis. It is redness and swelling of the voice box

Symptoms of a Sore Throat

The symptoms vary with the cause. Signs might include

  • Difficulty in swallowing and throbbing pain
  • Scratchy sensation in the throat
  • White patches on the tonsils
  • Swollen glands in the jaw or neck
  • A hoarse voice

Sore throat caused due to infections might include these symptoms.

  • Runny nose
  • Persistent sneezing
  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Headache
  • Body pain
  • Nausea

Causes of sore throat

1. Viral infections that cause fever

Almost 90% of sore throats are caused due to viruses. Here is the list of common viruses that cause sore throat.

  • Influenza- This attacks the respiratory system- the lungs, nose, and throat.
  • Virus such as COVID-19
  • Mononucleosis- This viral infection is transmitted through saliva
  • Chickenpox- This virus causes itchy, bumpy rashes and fever
  • Measles- It is an illness that causes fever and rash
  • Mumps- This infection cause swelling of the salivary gland in the neck area

2. Streptococcal or other bacterial infections

Bacterial infections can also cause sore throats. The most common one is strep throat; it is an infection of tonsils and throat inflicted by group A Streptococcus bacteria. Strep throat accounts for almost 40% of sore throat cases in kids. Tonsillitis and sexually transmitted diseases like chlamydia and gonorrhea can also make the throat scratchy.

3. Some type of allergy

When the immune system gets disturbed due to allergy triggers like dust, grass, pollen, and pet hairs, it releases chemicals that prompt throat irritation, nasal congestion, watery eyes, and sneezing.

4. Dry air

This might sound off the charts, but dry air can suck moisture from the throat and mouth. This can make the throat scratchy and dry. This generally occurs during winters when the heater is running all time.

5. Smoke and other irritants

The air consists of varieties of pollutants, and these can sometimes irritate the throat. Here are some common causes:

  • Air pollution
  • Cleaning products or chemicals
  • Any form of smoke (tobacco)


Gastrointestinal reflux disease is a condition in which stomach acid backs up to the esophagus. The acid burns the tube that carries food and throat, causing intense heartburn and irritating throat.

Involving risk factors

Getting a sore throat is quite common, but some factors make people more vulnerable, including

  • Exposure to smoke- Tobacco smoking or passive smoking can irritate the throat. Tobacco use also leads to chronic illnesses like cancer of the throat, larynx, or mouth.
  • Age-Teenagers and children are most likely to get sore throats. Children aged between three to fifteen years are more susceptible to strep throat.
  • Exposure to chemical irritants- Industrial waste particles or smoke from burning fossil fuels can cause throat irritation.


  • Wash your hand frequently and thoroughly, especially after sneezing
  • Refrain from sharing clothes, food, or drinks
  • Keep alcohol-based sanitizers handy and use them when you are out
  • Avoid consuming street foods or unhygienic food items
  • Avoid proximity with people who are sick or infected with some type of virus
  • Clean all the electrical devices you use like keyboard, remotes, TV, telephones with sanitizers or cleansers.