Pain Management

Clear Lake Pain Management


At Gemini Urgent Care, our goal is to treat the patient, not the pain. Our collaborative approach to techniques in controlling symptoms is unique, and we ensure your comfort is always prioritized. We aim to relieve your pain, as well as the psychological distress that comes from it.


Pain can come from many possible situations, ranging from mild to severe injuries and illnesses. If you think you’re experiencing a medical emergency resulting from pain, it is best to get in touch with a professional as soon as possible to diagnose the situation.

Some of the common types of pain we help patients manage include:

The first step in treating pain is accurately diagnosing your case. At Gemini Urgent Care, we utilize the best tools offered in medical diagnostic technology to ensure quick and accurate results.


  • You are experiencing pain after an accident or injury. If you were involved in any type of major automobile accident or had a serious slip and fall during a work-related or sports-related event, it’s best to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Our doctors can recommend the proper treatment and can determine whether or not your issue is minor or major.
  • Your pain impacts your mobility. Pain that interferes with your quality of life can have a huge impact on your ability to work, take care of yourself and your family, and enjoy your favorite activities. If chronic pain is making it difficult to move around and complete daily tasks, you should seek medical care without delay.
  • At-home pain management methods are not enough. If you have already tried rest, hot soaks, ice packs, compression, and over-the-counter pain medication and your pain still persists after several days, get a medical evaluation to explore other pain management options.
  • Your pain comes with other symptoms. If you are experiencing other symptoms like tingling in your extremities, fever, nausea or vomiting, visit urgent care as soon as possible.


We are proud to offer patients in Clear Lake pain management, designed to treat acute or chronic pain in a compassionate manner. If you’ve been injured in a car accident, we can perform x-rays IN HOUSE, and, if needed, help you schedule a follow up MRI exam. We will work through the entire process with you to make sure you get the help you need. Since we are locally owned and operated we will always fight to make sure you get the care you deserve. 


Our medical director will personally respond to all messages

    Make An Appointment

    Mon – Sat : 8am – 8pm

    Sunday : 8am – 5pm

    (281) 461-1111

    2409 Falcon Pass, Suite 100
    Houston, TX 77062
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